
Sawmill market
Sawmill market

The shop was quite small and didn’t offer many different varieties of dish and I wasn’t expecting much. It was different from any pasta I’d ever tried before. I tried the pasta at Tulipani, which is also known as the tiny pasta shop. The Sawmill offers many culinary options. As the night progressed, more lights came on and the Sawmill beamed with bright smiles. While exploring outside, snippets of conversation surrounded me along with children playing on the lawn and families talking under the darkening sky. There are also some shops located outdoors for quick and convenient food and drink options. The bright and lively atmosphere of the inside hall leaks under the doors and seeps into the garden, which is brightly lit and nicely decorated. The market also provides beautiful outdoor seating, especially nice on a warm summer evening. It is always nice to see people of all ages coming together, especially during times like these. The different smells and vibrant colors come together in a whirlwind of excitement. The environment of the hall is very welcoming and interesting. The Sawmill is handling the COVID situation with all of the necessary safety precautions. All table tops were wiped down after individual use as well.

sawmill market

In addition, all employees were wearing gloves and masks, and were making sure to minimize contact during interactions with customers. Although the hall was quite crowded, everyone was socially distant and all tables were comfortably far enough apart from each other. Hand sanitizers were placed at all entrances and customers who were not seated were required to wear masks. Surprisingly, considering I arrived at six on a Friday evening, the lines were considerably short. Whatever you are in the mood for, the Sawmill Market has it. Even if you arrive not knowing exactly what you are in the mood for, you have the option to choose between Japanese, American, Italian, or even Spanish cuisine. The food offered at their market comes from many different countries and cultures. Every corner of the market offers new, contrasting scents of different cuisines. The glow in the eyes of the passersby reflect the fluorescent signs of the unique shops lining the hall. When I walked into the hall, the first thing I noticed was the different variety and quantity of restaurants. Recently, its re-opening has been bringing in many people from all over the city who are looking for a safe place to enjoy good food with their families. Shortly after the initial spread of COVID-19, it was forced to close. In 2020, The Sawmill Market is a spacious hall made up of many small restaurants. It was used for agricultural purposes and was later owned by the largest lumber company in the Southwest.

sawmill market

Throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, the ground that the Sawmill Market was built on was one of the largest epicenters for industry along the Santa Fe Athcison and Topeka railroads. Luckily, The Sawmill Market, which is located right by Old Town, is one of a few good options. In Albuquerque, it can sometimes be hard to find a spot where unique cuisine, welcoming atmosphere, and accessible location come together to form an exceptional dining experience.

Sawmill market